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School Hallway


Comprehensive Medicine brings evidence based psychiatric care services to students through a combination of face-to-face and telepsychiatry services. Telepsychiatry is accepted as a mode of delivering psychiatric care by both the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the New York Office of Mental Health.  Utilizing telepsychiatry services eliminates the wait times experienced when students and families seek psychiatric services in the community.  Students and families can be seen in the school setting making integration of psychiatric services into the student’s educational program easily achievable. Comprehensive Medicine, PLLC also provides technical and administrative assistance in developing a telemedicine service that is tailored for individual schools.

Tele-psychiatry can provide schools with the following:

  • Supplement the onsite team’s psychiatric capacity

  • Increase access at a lower cost of care

  • Reduce hospitalizations

  • Reduce gaps in care

  • Avoid the overhead costs associated with recruitment and hiring

  • Access to psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners via televideo for staff meetings and consultations

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